Privacy Policy


This website is hosting on a DigitalOcean instance with a OpenLiteSpeed WordPress Package onboard. We use Cloudflare as a DNS provider and a reverse proxy to this website.

DigitalOcean: $6/month Plan
Cloudflare: Free Plan


We believe privacy is a crucial right, no matter how the world is going on.

We believe the less data we get, the less risk the privacy take.

We have applied zero trust policy to all but vistor and us.


Generally a web server will log vistor’s IP address and browser user agent metadata to an access log file on every request. We have double-checked the OpenLiteSpeed on DigitalOcean instance to make sure the access logging to this website is disabled all the time.


The only plugin installed is the onboard plugin LiteSpeed Cache. This plugin will set cookies named “_lscache_vary” with the value “commenter” on vistor’s browser when vistor leaves comments. These cookies contain no personal data and are used to flag vistor as commenter in specific posts. These cookies will last for 348 days. Vistor can turn on private browsing to handle browser cookies. We do not ultilize any cookies.

When vistor leaves a comment, the comment will be stored and retained to MariaDB on DigitalOcean instance. The vistor’s IP address and browser user agent metadata are also captured at the same time but will be discarded by us before a comment is recorded. We will review every comment by hand and encourage vistor to establish a human connection to us by comments.


All requests to this website from vistor will go through Cloudflare before reaching the DigitalOcean instance. Cloudflare provides charts reflecting insights to those requests on dashboard. We will review these data in maintance wise.

No real user monitoring is deployed on this website.